Essential oils documented to treat fungal infections naturally

Plant-based remedies, such as tinctures and essential oils, have long been used to treat fungal infections. In a recent study, conducted by researchers from Southwest College of Naturopathic MedicineArizona State University, and Enerpathic Technologies, it was determined that botanical tinctures and essential oils have different bioactive components that can treat Candida albicans infection. This study, which was published in Herbal Medicine: Open Access, looked at the effects of ethanol-based tinctures and essential oils on growth and differentiation of C. albicans.

  • C. albicans is a polymorphic fungal species, commonly part of the human flora. However, it can also become pathogenic when conditions allow for hyphal differentiation, biofilm formation, and overgrowth.
  • Infections caused by C. albicans can affect mucosal membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and squamous epithelia.
  • Growth and differentiation of C. albicans were observed in an in vitro setup.

Results of the experiment show that ethanol-based tinctures can only work by blocking yeast differentiation into its more virulent hyphal form and not by preventing C. albicans growth. Meanwhile essential oils can affect both growth and differentiation of C. albicans. The differences in their mechanisms of action can be attributed to variations in active constituents present. These results prove that plant-based remedies are effective treatments for fungal infections.

Read the full text of the study at this link.

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Journal Reference:

Ferreira V, Dickerson W, Farr D, Barraza M, Banker R, Dutton J, Cervigni M, Willhauck M, Tifre L, Mayman S, et al. THE EFFECT OF BOTANICAL TINCTURES AND ESSENTIAL OILS ON THE GROWTH AND MORPHOGENESIS OF CANDIDA ALBICANS. Herbal Medicine: Open Access. 31 March 2016;2(1). DOI:10.21767/2472-0151.100012
