Why lavender is the most important essential oil to use right now

If you’ve been thinking of using essential oils to enhance your health and well-being, it can be difficult to know where to begin. There are so many appealing choices, and the wide range of healing properties they offer can make it hard to narrow it down. Because high-quality oils typically have price tags to match, we’d like to suggest one oil in particular as an excellent starting point: lavender essential oil.

The lavender plant has been used for more than 2,500 years, and its medicinal use has grown in recent times. It’s one of the most widely used oils in the world – and for good reason. You might associate it with sleep, and that remains one of the top reasons people use it. Lavender oil is ideal for relaxation thanks to its proven calming properties. This is also why you’ll find it in products like linen sprays and body creams. When it comes to feeling calm and relaxed, this oil is hard to beat.

A related and particularly timely use for lavender oil is its ability to relieve anxiety. With an increasingly stressed and depressed population turning to anti-anxiety pills and antidepressants in growing numbers, it’s useful to keep in mind that lavender essential oil has been shown to help alleviate anxiety, positively impacting sufferers’ quality of life and overall well-being while improving their restlessness and sleep disturbances. It also reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the bloodstream.

One of the best ways to reap lavender essential oil’s relaxation benefits is by using a diffuser. This will fill the air with an essential oil-infused steam so you can inhale it and enjoy the aromatherapy benefits.

Lavender oil helps you inside and out

It’s also incredibly useful in treating skin ailments. Studies have shown that its antifungal properties enable it to fight and prevent infections of the skin and nails, including common infections like ringworm, Athlete’s foot, and Candida albicans. In fact, a study that was published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology showed that it can protect against pathogenic fungi better than any known antifungal drug.

It can be mixed with a carrier oil like a nut oil or coconut oil and applied to the skin to treat dermatitis and eczema, and it also has the power to reduce the pain caused by minor burns. It is used topically on insect bites and bee stings, while rubbing a few drops into the scalp has also been shown to help get rid of dandruff.

In addition, this oil helps wounds heal faster. A Japanese study found that the topical application of lavender essential oil raises growth factor-beta, which accelerates wound healing, particularly in the early stages.

With so many benefits, it’s no wonder that the THRIVE Online Health Program’s Derek Henry recently sang its praises in a video posted on Brighteon.video. Henry emphasizes its benefits for the brain, liver, immunity, digestion and hormones, and he said he considers it the ideal remedy for many common health problems. In the video, he offers users a discount code on the pure yet potent lavender essential oil products available at the Health Ranger Store.

Whether you choose to use this versatile oil in a diffuser, make a mist or spray, add it to your bath or laundry, or dilute it with another oil and use it for massage, a world of benefits awaits. There’s no question that lavender essential oil is one of the most useful oils you can get.

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