Food cures: A guide to making your own garlic tincture

During the time of the pioneers, most natural cures were made from local herbs and plants. They often used garlic (Allium sativum) to make herbal remedies, and this article will discuss a potent antibiotic garlic tincture that even modern preppers can use to treat various ailments like a cold or skin infections. (h/t to

Making the antibiotic garlic tincture

Garlic is a popular superfood for a reason. It has powerful antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. The Chinese first discovered that garlic is also an immune stimulant and an effective antioxidant.

This antibiotic garlic tincture is a potent infusion of garlic in distilled water, grain alcohol, or vinegar. Garlic has many health benefits thanks to allicin, but the antibacterial agent is only active for a short period after garlic is crushed and before it is heated.

The chemical compound allicin is derived from the amino acid cysteine. Allicin is odorless but it also contains sulfur. (Related: Yummy superfoods that even beginner gardeners can plant today.)

To retain the allicin content of garlic while making this tincture, the bulbs are macerated or steeped in one of the liquids listed above to preserve the potent chemicals. The recipe below is similar to the one used by pioneers, although it incorporates some modern ingredients like distilled water.


  • Garlic bulbs (enough to make 1 cup of chopped garlic)
  • 2 cups of distilled water, ethyl alcohol (pure grain alcohol, vodka, white rum, or white whiskey), or vinegar (unfiltered organic vinegar is recommended)


  • A blender or mortar and pestle
  • A cheesecloth or strainer
  • A funnel
  • A mason jar
  • A spoon
  • A tinted glass jar with an airtight lid


  1. Use the blender or a mortar and pestle to chop the garlic. Chop enough garlic bulbs to fill at least one cup.
  2. Add the liquid of your choice to the chopped garlic.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a clean glass jar and write the date on the jar.
  4. Let the antibiotic garlic tincture rest in the jar for about two to three weeks. Shake the jar daily during this period.
  5. After three weeks, strain the garlic from the liquid. Use a spoon to press the chopped garlic onto the strainer to harvest all the liquid.
  6. Transfer the antibiotic garlic tincture to the tinted glass jar and store it in a cool and dark place. The tincture can be stored and used for at least one year. When stored properly, it may even last longer than a year.

Keep in mind that sunlight will affect the quality of the tincture. If the liquid turns gray or green, dispose of the tincture properly. You can also make the antibiotic tincture using dried garlic by following a 5:1 liquid-to-garlic ratio.

Using the antibiotic garlic tincture

The pioneers administered the garlic tincture orally to cure health problems such as flu and colds, high blood pressure, kidney and bladder problems, respiratory ailments, strep throat, viruses, and worms. You can use this garlic tincture externally to treat ulcers, viral skin infections, or wounds. For adults, the recommended dosage is four to five drops of tincture once a day.

Before using the tincture, consider the contraindications and side effects listed below:

  • Excessive intake of the tincture may cause dizziness, nausea, and sweating.
  • The tincture is not recommended for individuals who have anti-coagulation disorders.
  • It isn’t recommended for patients who use blood thinning medications.
  • This tincture can cause menstrual changes.

Consult your healthcare provider before you use the tincture.

Getting rid of garlic breath and removing the garlic smell from your hands

This antibiotic garlic tincture offers many health benefits, but if you’re worried about having garlic breath, below are some tip that can help prevent this side effect.

  • Chew on a coffee bean.
  • Chew on a sprig of fresh mint or parsley
  • Drink green or mint tea.
  • Drink milk with your meal.
  • Suck on a slice of lemon.

To remove the pungent smell of the antibiotic garlic tincture on your hands after making it, try the following suggestions:

  • Scrub your hands with coffee grounds.
  • Scrub your hands with lemon juice and salt.
  • Wash your hands with baking soda and water paste.

Use this antibiotic garlic tincture if you want a healthy and natural alternative to over-the-counter drugs.

You can read more articles about effective natural remedies like this garlic tincture at

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