Home remedies for earaches

Earaches are a common cause of pain and discomfort. While anybody can experience earaches, they are more common among young children. Earaches are not a serious health problem, but they can cause great pain when left untreated. It is especially troublesome when children get earaches as they may be too young to determine the reason for their discomfort. Fortunately, earaches can be addressed with some home remedies. (h/t to Homeo-Pathy.ESY.es.)

What is an earache?

An earache occurs when fluid builds up in the Eustachian tubes, which are canals that connect the middle ear to the upper throat and nasal cavity. The fluid becomes infected and builds up in the back of the eardrum, putting pressure on the ear, which causes pain and discomfort.

An earache usually follows a bad case of colds or sore throat, or after blowing your nose too hard. It often occurs at night, and the pain that accompanies it can make you lose sleep. Other reasons for earaches include a perforated eardrum and boils.

Natural remedies to try at home for relieving ear pain

A child may be too small to tell you the reason for their pain. Instead, look for general signs of discomfort, such as constant crying or restlessness. If a child keeps moving his ears away from you, he may have an ear infection.

Antibiotics are usually prescribed for ear infections, but in some cases, antibiotics may not be necessary, or may take a while to kick in. In such cases, you may opt for the following home remedies to ease the discomfort of earaches.

  1. Apply some heat – Heat can provide comfort from the pain of earaches. Use a hair dryer, set on warm, and hold it a little ways from the ear. Allow the warm air to blow in. Don’t use the hair dryer for more than three to five minutes. You can also use a heating pad; set it on warm and lay the pad on the side of the head where the earache is. Another remedy is a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel. Lay the affected ear on it to let the heat ease the pain.
  2. Garlic – Garlic is a versatile superfood, and it’s no surprise that it can help relieve earaches. Puncture a piece of garlic, extract its juice, and pour the juice into the affected ear. You can also do this with basil leaves. Crush some basil leaves, squeeze out the juice, and put a few drops in the ear.
  3. Olive oil – Earaches can feel dry and itchy; a few drops of olive oil in the affected ear will act as a lubricant. Warm the oil under some hot tap water for a few minutes until it’s the same as body temperature. Using a dropper, add just enough oil to coat the lining of the inner ear. (Related: Mullein oil, a simple remedy for earaches.)
  4. Chew and swallow – Chewing gum or the simple act of swallowing will allow the Eustachian tube to ventilate and drain the fluid, relieving the pressure in the inner ear.
  5. Salt – Microwave a cup of coarse salt for one minute. Mix it and reheat for another minute, then put some salt in a cotton sock tied on the open end. Put this over the affected ear for 10 minutes. Repeat if needed.

For lactating mothers with infants, breast milk is another good remedy for earaches. Collect some breast milk in a clean container. Using an ear dropper, put a few drops of fresh breast milk into the infected ear. Do not administer directly from the breast, as the pressure may be too much for an infant’s ear. The act of nursing is also good for earaches because it relieves pressure.

Visit NaturalCures.news for more remedies for earaches and other common ailments in children.

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